
The second character I am developing for visual structure. I want to make them a little more artistic and not so typical looking. Not sure how to go about it at the moment tho. :( I think its a decent start tho. I have soo much respect for story developers. There is so much to think about and so many things to take into consideration with story and character development and to tie it all together.


Vis Structure

A character I am developing for my story in Visual Structure.

The story in a nutshell is a kung fu style movie .. one that perhaps Quentin Tarantino would direct. The story involves use of particular colors and is set in the future on the planet 9. Kind of an old world mixed with the new world. Here sits Mel, the main character, reluctant to learn the ways of a true warrior.


I was given this model to texture for my 2D for 3D texture class. We had to make our own textures and apply it to the model. This was our final exam last term.


I had an internal critique today.. while composing all my work together I came across one of my first assignments. We had to model and texture a bug. I chose a jumping spider. His name is Sam.